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Sopii tuotteen Demotec 90, jauhe 1kg kanssa
Demotec 90 is a quick-setting resin supplied as a powder and liquid which, when mixed together (in a beaker that is provided together with a spatula), forms a paste. The paste is then used to bond a wooden block to the bottom of the sound claw of a hoof.
Usually it is found that only one claw is affected and so it is possible to bond a wooden block to the sole of the sound claw.
This not only raises the affected claw out of the dirt, so making medical and surgical treatment more effective, but more importantly it shifts the weight onto the good claw allowing the affected claw to rest.
Preparation of the good hoof will be necessary by trimming the sole and sides to give a good bearing surface. After cleaning off any loose bits it should be cleaned with spirit so that it is completely free of particles and grease, and then allowed to dry.
The powder and liquid should then be mixed according to instructions. Within two minutes a malleable paste will be formed which should be applied liberally onto both the sole of the claw and the wooden block.
Having pressed the block well onto the claw the surplus material should be quickly shaped round the sides of the claw and block as the paste will have set completely within 4 - 6 minutes. When cold it will withstand heavy loads.
To immobilise the affected claw completely, bond the diseased claw to the healthy claw - again with Demotec 90.
When working with the paste, soapy hands will prevent adhesion to the skin.
When the affected claw has been completely cured the wooden block can be removed using pincers, hammers or other suitable tools.
Demotec 95 in direct comparison with Demotec 90 is simply the better product and it has enormous differences.
Demotec 90 is an old fashioned product and comparative to old fashioned products of other competitors with it's disadvantages.
The difference of Demotec 90 and 95 is in the handling. There is a little experience needed to find out the right timing for the treatment with Demotec 90. Demotec 95 instead you only have to mix and than no further waiting is necessary so the treatment can start without any delay.
A further big advantage is that the mixed resin of Demotec 95 doesn't stick to your fingers as Demotec 90 or other old fashioned resins do. So you can put the complete resin into your hands and model it as you like - in a very comfortable way. Watch our videos (Video comparison / non-adhesive).